30 May 2010

a beautiful day

The sun came out and the clouds were full & puffy.  It was glorious.  I went on a long hike with Roxanne today, back to the waterworks hill.  It is a marvelous place to hike, and so close to town too.  It was great re-connecting with Roxie and knowing that she will also be in SI is comforting. A fellow traveler on this summer journey.

I was thinking about how, in one way, I am putting my life "on hold" while I attend SI.  That is not actually accurate.  I may have put my California life on pause for the next 3 moths, but I certainly not put my life on hold.  Quite the contrary.  I feel as if I am jumping forward and have no idea where I am going to land.  I will land wherever I am meant to, of that I am sure.

One more "free" day before school begins and SI takes over my days & nights.  I am excited, scared, apprehensive, willing to be open to it all.  I hope to enjoy the ride-wherever it leads me.



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