31 May 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Although it was cloudy and drizzly today, I didn't mind the weather at al.  Maybe I am getting used to it.  Or maybe it is just that I know, eventually, it will become summer here and I will get more sunshine than I ever have had before!  After breakfast, I decided to walk downtown to school, to see how long it would take me.  According to mapquest, it is 2.15 miles each way from my house.  I easily walk that in a day, if not more.  So I set out on my minor adventure with my rain jacket on, just in case.  It was a nice walk and I stopped several times to take photos, peek in shops and read the menues on the outside of restaurant windows.  I am not sure how often I will walk to school, but it is nice to now that I can do so.  

Here is my day in photos:

Tomorrow is the big day!  Wish me luck & courage!

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