29 May 2010

big blue dog appears to me

I was talking to a man last night who, through his provocative language, was clearly trying to provoke a heated debate with me.  He was talking about illegal immigrants and said that the best way to handle the entire situation was to station military snipers along the border and shoot people as they attempt to cross over into the United States.  Also, have them fly around in helicopters and pick them off from the air (sounds like Sarah Palin's hunting methods, doesn't it?).  I  have learned that sometimes it is better to ignore than to argue, because it was clear to me that there was nothing I could have said that would change his mind.  
I must remember that I am in Montana, although the man's sentiment could have easily come from anywhere in the United States.  We live in a bubble on the coast, and it is clear to me that, even in liberal Missoula, there are plenty of people who think like this man does.

Today was a wonderful day.  I had my first reiki session, a remarkable & mysterious form of energy body work.  Something remarkable happened during my session-I had a vision of a blue dog-it was as clear as if it had been physically in front of me.  My reiki therapist said that he felt a lot of energy in my throat charka (the color blue) which has to do with communication and creativity.  My big blue dog showed herself.  

Blue chakra color meanings:

The fifth, throat chakra. Continuing the epic adventure through the chakras, we've moved through the filtering train station of the heart and now we're asked to take what we learned on a pulmonary level and express it into our surroundings. We've dreamed the dream of creation, now we are on the path to expressing that dream outwardly. Swimming in these beautiful blue seas we find new connections, and discover true joy is in sharing and communicating our discoveries. When blue hues fill our visions it indicates our willingness to see solutions in everything. Our resources are made known, our expression are clarified like crystals, and we convey ourselves with a mix of playfulness and natural authority.

The secret art of inviting happiness,
The miraculous medicine for all diseases.
At least for today:
Do not be angry,
Do not worry,
Be grateful,
Work with diligence,
Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in meditation and pray with your heart. State in your mind and chant with your mouth.
For improvement of mind and body. Usui Reiki Ryōhō.

After reiki, I went on a hike which starts close to downtown Missoula.  The trail is called the the waterworks hill-randolph hill-cherry gulch loop and reminds me of Montara Mountain, but is much more open.  It was a nice way to get in a good 90 minute hike without having to drive more than a couple of miles.

2 more days before classes begin. What will it be like?  Who will be in my group? More questions than answers.  Let it all go...

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