12 September 2010

I am sleeping in the other bedroom in my little house tonight. The room has better light and a firmer bed. I slept until 10:30 this morning, in believe in part because of the darkness of the bigger bedroom. I woke up with a start this morning and it feels discombobulating to sleep so long. Don't like that feeling. So, I will try another bed, like goldilocks, & hope that this bed is just right.

The first week of AI went quickly but was overwhelming.  Of 4 days of classes, I had 3 night classes in addition to the 2 classes during the day.  We are learning advanced photoshop, which is hilarious because we barely touched the surface of photoshop in the summer.  Our teacher talks too fast and gets impatient with us when someone asks him to slow down.  I am feeling frustrated already, and after talking to some of the other students, I am not alone.  PS is something that I am going to have to practice on my own when I return home and I am confident that I will remember some of the materials that we are currently learning.  The problem with this teacher is that he is not a good teacher. Period.  Just because he know the material (after all, he did write the book), does not mean that he can teach it well.
I love my business & marketing, image illustration, & printing classes, and I am sure that I will also like the emerging technology classes when they start.  We have Dave Marx and Eileen Rafferty once again!  Joy!

Since I felt sluggish in SI, I am determined to exercise as much as possible these next 5 weeks.  A group of us are starting to swim 3 days/week in the mornings at the UM pool & I intend to get up to at least 1/2 mile (36 laps) before I leave Montana.

Today the weather was extraordinary. The sun was out and the temperature was high.  I hiked the M at the U photo of the "M"      The "M". 

It is a good workout, not very interesting, but a great way to exercise in a short period of time!

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