06 June 2010

Sunday..a day of rest?

When I was seriously thinking of attending SI @ RMSP this past year, I thought that I understood the concept of "intensive".  I knew that I would be living, breathing, dreaming & having nightmares about photography.  But what about Sundays?  Class is only six days a week, right?  

Today was the first Sunday of SI, and I found myself pondering: my projects due tomorrow and whether I ought to re-shoot all of them & wondering if I have had thought enough about exposure this week; shooting: Yes, one of my assignments for Tuesday and a re-working of one due tomorrow; visiting the school; for a review session with Neil.

There will be no days off until I get in my car and leave at the end of the summer.  This is  true immersion into the art & technology of photography.  That is why, at midnight, I am still awake and have to complete one last project that is due at 9am tomorrow morning.

What have I learned today?  I learned that it is never too late to give yourself up to your dream.  Who knows where it may lead?  It was true for me and for the woman I met in the park today.  She ran away from a career in air quality control and is now happily painting faces at Farmer's Markets, concerts and rodeos.  She went to Vegas to study her new craft, and I am in Missoula learning mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having the experience you came to MT to get. Do we get to see some of your "homework"?