22 October 2010

one adventure is over & the next one begins

so long missoula.  it's been fun, frustrating, exciting, depressing, joyous and mind boggling. i will miss the hot days and the warm nights. the extraordinarily friendly people. the casual way that people interact with one another. the railroad tracks and the trains. the sky. the mountains. the river. rmsp. rmsp. rmsp. reiki. elizabeth & neil & marcy & cheri & bob & eileen x 2 & dave & tony. liquid planet. angie & joanie & beth x 2 & jessica & jenn & paul & scott & rich & joanna & brad & wyatt & mica & athena & BAILEY and oh dear, iam sure that thete are more to add to this list. oh, yes forest x 2.

it may take me a very long time to digest and properly process all that i have learned, experienced and shared these past 5 months.  but i do know one thing...i would not have missed this wild ride for anything on earth and i believe that i have found my muse. at least for the now.

thanks rmps. thanks missoula. thanks pb and thanks betty.  i love you all.

12 October 2010

2 more days until graduation

we had our final business and marketing class this morning, and i could tell that everyone was elsewhere. we worked on our mission statements and marketing strategies-all important- but after all these weeks of absorbing information, poor Mike Size was put to the test.  I got a lot of great information, some of which I will put into practice when I return home.

This afternoon, we had our last open lab.  I worked on getting a series of slides together for my presentation on Thursday morning, and then got to hang out with bailey the boxer girl for a bit.  i was overjoyed to see her, and we happily went on a jaunt around downtown while she marked and sniffed and acted oh so cute.  I sure needed that puppy infusion of love.

printed like a maniac tonight.  i was extremely happy with the results, and i think that i have enough to have an interesting show when I return home.  playing around with holga images, and this one-although not a holga-turned out really well.

tomorrow afternoon the presentations start. group a in the afternoon, then my group thursday AM and finally group c on thursday afternoon.  PB arrives that day as well!

friday we graduate and then it is all over.  or just beginning.

11 October 2010

my last week in missoula

my last week at rmsp.  it's been a wild ride, to say the least.

these 2 images were taken with FILM on my holga.

my first (successful) attempt at a long night exposure

 the following images were from my group photo shoot at lubrecht experimental forest.  a beautiful model names stephanie made the shoot easy and fun.  thank you stephanie!

03 October 2010

no images to post

still in my camera.  it's been a working/school weekend as we head into a long week.  image to come. I am loving the summer weather, although it is excepted to get colder and maybe some rain.  a group of us started a blog-for members only.  we are calling it "rmsp 2010 alumni" and are hoping that the blog has a long and active life ahead of it.  it will be a place where we can share stories about our photographic experiences once we leave the rmsp bubble, a venue to ask questions, post news of the industry and other cool information.  we are keeping the blog private and have not invited all of the students to join.  we want to make it a positive, support site-and frankly-there are some people in the program who do not possess either trait.

Here was my first blog post of the site:

I am overwhelmed with all of the information that I have received this summer. Happy to be going home, but sad to be leaving wonderful new friends behind. I will miss Missoula and RMSP, and leaving will be bittersweet. I have vacillated between a myriad of emotions while at the school; confusion, excitement, frustration, loneliness, joy, in/security, acceptance and peace. This has been an extraordinary professional and personal journey and I am grateful to have shared it with so many loving, talented people. Namaste, Nancy